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Software Architecture

Optimistic locking with Spring Data MongoDB

Optimistic locking with Spring Data MongoDB

When it comes to data access concurrency issues, skewed writes are about as troublesome as they get. Even explaining how they happen and getting your point across can be a challenge.

With MongoDB and Spring, there is an easy and clean solution. I was excited to find and implement it in one of the current projects at Evojam and would love to share it.

Tackling a 1 Billion Member Social Network - Fast Search on a Large Graph

Tackling a 1 Billion Member Social Network - Fast Search on a Large Graph

At Evojam we always seize opportunities for R&D. So when a former client asked us for cooperation on an existing project, which involved a 1 billion member social network, we jumped at the opportunity. We joined the team and did our best to fix bugs and solve data consistency, performance and reliability issues. Additionally, we presented a more effective approach to the application’s architecture. This article briefly covers our journey through the 1 billion member social network.