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Discover Music Your Way - University Student Project Coached by Evojam

Over the last year we've had the pleasure of working with students of Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of Warsaw University (commonly known as MIMUW). This Friday, they'll deliver a final presentation of this project to their fellow students and faculty members.

How It Began

It all began in the beginning of this academic year. Four brave students - Joanna Wiszowata, Adam Czapliński, Michał Stankiewicz and Maciej Szeszko - have chosen to work on a concept proposed by Jarek Czepiela - one of Evojam frontend programmers.

What the App Does

The idea was to explore alternative ways of discovering music that fits user tastes. Give users a way of starting with an artist that he or she knows and likes and find "neighboring" music in a visual way.

Over the course of the year we've helped the student team in technology choices, brainstormed various aspects of the project and worked together on UX design. This was a refreshing experience that we're happy we've been a part of.

The MIMUW faculty

The Faculty of Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of Warsaw University is the top computer science unit in Poland. Their students regularly land top spots at worldwide coding championships like TopCoder, Google Code Jam and others.

Evojam and Warsaw University

Cooperation between Evojam and Warsaw University dates a few years back. Our office is located in part of Digital Economy Lab (DELAB), which is a result of cooperation between the Warsaw University and Google. Its aim is fostering cooperation between academia and business, while examining the social trends in culture and modern society.

This year's student project was a second one we've worked on. Evojam team members also give guest lectures on various university explaining how the work in IT looks like in real world.