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Evojam on Stage - end of summer

In the upcoming weeks some of the Evojam crew members will appear live on stage. Here's a brief summary - reach out if you plan to be there as well and want to meet face to face. All of those events are in Warsaw.

AngularJS Warsaw (26.08.2015)

It seems like we've dominated this meetup as this is going to be 3rd presentation by our crew member since the meetup group started... 2 meetings ago :)

This time Kuba Strojewski (@ulfryk) will give a talk: "Decorate your Angular with TypeScript".

CODEPOT (28.08.2015)

This is an unusual event. They call it "100% workshop conference!". Again Kuba will conduct a workshop "How TypeScript saved web application" on the event. Unfortunately they're sold-out already. Below is the short summary of the contents.

Lean Startup Introduction (22.09.2015)

This time our CEO Marek Grochala will guest lecture at the Kozminski University. He'll give their business students a brief intro to Lean Startup.