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Optimistic locking with Spring Data MongoDB

When it comes to data access concurrency issues, skewed writes are about as troublesome as they get. Even explaining how they happen and getting your point across can be a challenge. 

With MongoDB and Spring, there is an easy and clean solution. I was excited to find and implement it in one of the current projects at Evojam and would love to share it. 

But let me start with an example and a visual explanation of this type of issue.


Let's say we have two collections: latest and historical. When an item gets updated, there are two writes involved. The first updates the document in the collection latest, and the second saves the previous value as a new document to the collection historical.

The diagram below shows all three steps involved in an update performed by a client named Alice:

  1. Fetch the previous value.

  2. Update latest.

  3. Save previous value to historical.


Issues arise if two clients start performing updates at the same time.

In the scenario below, Bobby retrieves the value "0" right after Alice, and he does that before Alice manages to complete her update. Unaware of the new value sent by Alice, Bobby updates the document in the collection latest and then saves "0" to the collection historical. As far as Bobby knows, "0" is still the previous value.

We call this type of error skewed writes. Bobby does everything by the book; his only problem is his outdated — hence skewed — information.

Let's model the update operation using Kotlin. We need two data classes for two collections. Updating a LatestItem will produce a Pair consisting of the updated LatestItem and its previous value. The latter can then be stored in the “historical” collection.

Here’s what the implementation looks like:

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If you're curious about the boilerplate code that links LatestItem and Item to Spring Data repositories, have a look at ItemUpdater#updateItem.

Testing the service in a concurrent setting will be more interesting to us. Below, you can see the test method from ItemUpdaterTest. It puts an initial value inside the “latest” collection. Then, it runs 5 concurrent updates, waits for them to complete, and issues a final update to value final.

The assertion at the end fails. Not all intermittent values find their way to the “historical” collection.

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To see why, let's have a look at the logs:

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Each line starting with "(??)" marks the start of an attempted update. Each line starting with "(ok)" signals an update written to the database. We can see how all 5 concurrent updates fetch "0" as the latest value. They then each update "0" to another value. The error lies in what gets stored in "historical", which is only "0". Each thread thinks the previous latest value is "0", and nothing else gets stored in the "historical" collection.


First, we introduce an integer field annotated with @Version:

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Then, we pull out the fetch and update code to a method, so it can be retried:

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If you want to see this in detail, take a look at the OptimisticUpdater and RetryableUpdater classes. The reason for having two separate classes is the use of Spring AOP in @Retryable. Only calls between Spring Beans can be intercepted this way.

Let's look at the logs again.

This time, they are telling a different story. For better clarity, I divided them into sections — each section in the next iteration. You can see how, at first, all 5 threads try to update "0" to their new values. The update to "4" wins, and the rest need to be retried in the next iteration. Now "1" wins, and the rest need to be retried. It happens again until there are no updates left to retry.

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Optimistic locking is a workable solution for skewed writes errors. Transactions are not enough in this case because no consistency guarantees are violated. Thanks to Spring Data MongoDB versioning and retries, it is possible to handle the situation gracefully without much boilerplate code.

Concurrency problems in databases are equally troublesome to those happening in your code. They deserve equal attention and the ability to foresee the trickiest scenarios. It’s difficult, yet it brings a lot of fun. Especially if you still find a way to write code that is easy to read and maintain.

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