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Technology Landscape

Generating Java classes from WSDL files

Generating Java classes from WSDL files

Ready to discover a way to generate usable Java classes from WSDL files and check how they are structured? That is precisely where this blog post will get you.

Finishing the last line, you’ll be equipped with all the necessary schema files and the ready-to-use service.

Sounds promising? Only if you know what WSDL files are, which will be explained too.

Optimistic locking with Spring Data MongoDB

Optimistic locking with Spring Data MongoDB

When it comes to data access concurrency issues, skewed writes are about as troublesome as they get. Even explaining how they happen and getting your point across can be a challenge.

With MongoDB and Spring, there is an easy and clean solution. I was excited to find and implement it in one of the current projects at Evojam and would love to share it.

First Months using GitHub Actions

First Months using GitHub Actions

I really wanted to give GitHub Actions a go. Having spent many years using Jenkins setups, the idea of outsourcing CI/CD to GitHub made a lot of sense. Fast forward to a few weeks later, we have a fully functional Continuous Delivery structure. Let me give you a quick tour.

Temporal Object Patterns using JPA

Temporal Object Patterns using JPA

Design Patterns are often described as typical solutions to common problems. But what if a solution is not that typical? Can I still call it a Pattern if it is only relevant for relational databases? And does it have to be applicable in most common Java stacks using Spring Boot, Hibernate, and JPA?

Find out how to get started with Temporal Patterns and whether they’re going to work with Spring Boot.

The Secret of Painless WebSocket Tests with Spock Framework

The Secret of Painless WebSocket Tests with Spock Framework

Do you want to start testing applications with WebSocket and Spock, but you’re afraid of running an unstable test? You know what the cinematic Spock says, “Insufficient facts always invite danger”!

Get your facts straight and learn how to avoid common mistakes with our step-by-step guide to WebSocket testing.

React vs Angular2: The fight rages on

React vs Angular2: The fight rages on

Google’s Angular and Facebook’s React are now most popular tools for building browser (and not only) applications. Both are great solutions. While Angular2 is still in beta it has been already tested by few Google developer teams – AdWords, GreenTea and Fiber. List of applications built with React is really long and you can find there names like Instagram, Netflix, PayPal and many more.Brutal war is coming.

MongoDB Scala Drivers Microbenchmark: ReactiveMongo vs Scala/Java Driver

MongoDB Scala Drivers Microbenchmark: ReactiveMongo vs Scala/Java Driver

If you want to connect your Scala application to MongoDB you have two choices, really. You can use the official driver, which comes in two flavors (Java Async Driver or Scala driver, which is just a facade with RxScala API). Alternatively you can go with ReactiveMongo, a completely new approach built on top of Akka.

API landscape 2015: Swagger, Hypermedia & Microservices

API landscape 2015: Swagger, Hypermedia & Microservices

Joint conferences API Days and API Strategy & Practice took place during the last weekend in  Berlin. We’ve had the pleasure of spending great time with the people at the epicenter of the exploding API ecosystem. Read to learn what are the hot topics and possible implications for your apps.

Glimpse at the State of Functional Programming

Recently, our whole backend team visited Lambda Days - The Functional Programming Conference. Two days, multiple presentation tracks, lobby and pub talks gave our five agents unique glimpse into the state of the functional programming ecosystem.