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Technology by Evojam

Generating Java classes from WSDL files

Generating Java classes from WSDL files

Ready to discover a way to generate usable Java classes from WSDL files and check how they are structured? That is precisely where this blog post will get you.

Finishing the last line, you’ll be equipped with all the necessary schema files and the ready-to-use service.

Sounds promising? Only if you know what WSDL files are, which will be explained too.

Tackling accidental complexity with Optional in Java

Tackling accidental complexity with Optional in Java

In this article, I'm using an example project to show you how Java 8 Optional can impact the end complexity. It can do so in a positive or negative way as Optional can both simplify and complicate your code. In the long run, the outcome can greatly influence your project. Let's see how it works.

Keep Your Library Simple: Scala API Design Case Study

Keep Your Library Simple: Scala API Design Case Study

We've been using Play Framework with Elasticsearch and elastic4s for a while. Getting it all to work together requires some boilerplate code, though. We decided to create a small library that would make things easier in future projects. We learned some lessons about building Scala libraries along the way.

Open Source Async MongoDB driver for Scala & Play Framework (early version)

Here at Evojam we're heavy users of Scala, MongoDB, and the Play Framework. So naturally, when MongoDB introduced the 3.0 Java Driver we were quite excited to see that it featured an aysnchronous core. Unfortunately after some research it seemed that the Scala community didn't share our enthusiasm.