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Employee Space

How to make great EB content with limited time and little to no budget

How to make great EB content with limited time and little to no budget

You’ve probably seen the most acknowledged EB campaigns and would love to make something as creative and spectacular.

But then reality kicks in, and you realise your budget and time are too limited to prepare your magnum opus.

I can relate as an HR/EB Specialist who has been working for small companies. Employer branding is only a part of my responsibilities, and I can’t focus solely on it. To use my time wisely, I’ve developed certain practices to effectively show an employer brand online.

As it turns out, you don’t need a big budget or a huge team to start with EB. Even small steps make a difference!

How to live by the "Keep Growing" motto

How to live by the "Keep Growing" motto

While working at Evojam, I got used to everyone having a keep-growing mindset, but not the whole world is like that.

I’ve decided to write this article to help you switch from your way of thinking to a more growth-oriented mindset. And the change is only six steps away!

Should you work for a small software company?

Should you work for a small software company?

As a software developer, you face a dilemma about whether to work for a software development company or a product company. It's something to think through, so take some time to do so.

But today, focus on a different question — should I work for a big corporation or a small boutique company with less than 50 employees?

Let’s explore both options and see which one suits your working style best.

How I got an IT job without a degree

How I got an IT job without a degree

How do you start a career as a programmer? 

Like with most questions, your first instinct might be to look for help in a search engine. The internet is full of people selling courses, books, and other resources, promising a fast way to get spectacular results. 

I'm sorry to disappoint you; there is no easy, speedy path. 

In this article, I'll share my story and what worries and misconceptions I had before I started my software development journey to support you on your bumpy ride. Let my experience work as your buffer.

What Creative Writing Taught Me About Software Development

What Creative Writing Taught Me About Software Development

In the autumn of 2020, amid a raging pandemic, I decided to quit my job and write a book.

A couple of months before, I got into a creative writing course with an idea I wanted to develop. Writing has always been my passion, and it was an excellent opportunity to go through the process of creating an entire story from beginning to end.

It turned out that the new activity helped me not only to write my first book but also to develop as a software engineer.


Read the article and discover the three areas in which creative writing has promoted my professional growth.

How to stop overthinking and start working towards your goals

How to stop overthinking and start working towards your goals

“How did you learn to code and to speak Japanese on your own?”

“How did you lose over 70kg all by yourself?”

“How did you quit smoking?”

I often have people ask me these questions, and I must tell you the answer to all of them is pretty straightforward — I’m just a regular person and I’m not an expert on any of these topics, I just do things.

You can also learn how to stop overthinking and start acting.

Check my proven methods and keep growing!

Software Architecture at Devoxx Poland 2021

Software Architecture at Devoxx Poland 2021

This year’s Devoxx was my first remote conference. I got my ticket back in December when that was the only option. A lot of people from Evojam went to Kraków instead. For me, FOMO kicked in at the moment they posted the first pictures. Here I was, sitting in front of my laptop all day, 300 km away from all the excitement.

To make the most of my situation, I set out to pay undivided attention to any talk I would go to. Back in uni, the best way for me to do that was to make a lot of notes. And so I did.

This way, I ended up attending the most tech talks I have ever listened to over three consecutive days. Looking back, there are three recurring themes that I found most appealing.

In this text, I want to discuss three talks on the topic of software architecture.

How to Stop Going to Meetings and Start Meeting People

How to Stop Going to Meetings and Start Meeting People

It’s almost 5 PM and you have almost no work done. But you have been so busy. Where is the feeling of accomplishment? Have you been in meetings all day? There it is, you have your culprit.

But right after work, you are going out with a couple of friends. Checking out this new restaurant everyone is talking about. These plans fill you with excitement.

“But isn't it yet another meeting?”

“No, it's completely different…”

“Why? Because you hate people at work?”

“No, I actually like them a lot! I always enjoy talking to them.”

“It must be something else. You hate your job.”


Why is it that at work we “go to meetings” and never “meet someone?”

8 Practical Tips for a First-Time Project Manager or Scrum Master

8 Practical Tips for a First-Time Project Manager or Scrum Master

If you’ve always dreamed of being the next Jobs, or perhaps if you just want to try your hand at project management, you need to work on yourself and hone those leadership skills.

Getting started as a project manager or scrum master isn’t easy, I won’t lie to you.

It takes tons of hard work and personal drive. If you don’t know where to start, do not fear — there are clear guidelines that can put you on the right track.

No matter where you are on your journey — going through job ads, preparing for the CAPM® exam, or taking the first steps as a professional project manager — these 8 practical tips will help you advance your career.