My dad once told me, "You do this programming thing, or whatever it's called. I've read that you need to be constantly learning to keep up. Is that true? Are you sure you can do that for the rest of your life? I wouldn't be able to."

I was pretty surprised when I heard that. While working at Evojam, I got used to everyone having a keep-growing mindset, and I forgot not the whole world is like that.

I’ve decided to write this article to help you switch from your way of thinking to a more growth-oriented mindset. And the change is only six steps away!

1. Value process above gains

There are lyrics of a Japanese song, “壁は高ければ高い程乗り越える意味があるから," which translates to “the higher the wall, the more meaning there is in climbing over it.” When I heard this sentence, I realised it perfectly describes my mindset.

So, let’s see how to climb over a high wall.

What’s more satisfying — doing one push-up or doing one hundred push-ups? Obviously, the latter. But to get there, you first need to be able to do one, then two, then three, and so on. It’s a process; each step is as important as the others, and they’re all connected, so you can’t omit them and fast-forward to the end.

The important part is not to focus on the gains but on the process itself. Just like watching a growing plant — if you keep staring, you’ll feel like nothing is happening, but if you come back in a week, you’ll notice the progress.

2. Collect and utilise feedback

Think about what learning is, just following the steps of someone who figured out something before. That’s why the key to growth is feedback. At Evojam, we take feedback very seriously, and you get direct feedback from colleagues you work with every three months.

Sometimes you need someone else's view because if you look in one direction, you won’t see the others. Getting different perspectives makes you notice things you might have missed. It seems obvious, but learning from feedback is a skill in itself. We often think we are doing something right, and being confronted makes us defensive; that’s how our brains work. It’s essential to overcome that mechanism and learn from others.

Some people have learned the same thing you’re learning; they’ve probably made the same mistakes, so use their knowledge. It’ll push you further.

3. Be bold and take action  

Not even trying means you have already lost. 

Don’t be afraid of taking action and doing something new. No one has ever achieved anything by doing nothing. Step out of your comfort zone, take risks, and make mistakes.

I’ve made many mistakes, but they only strengthened me because I did my best to learn from them. Again, feedback played a vital role here — I often didn’t know I was doing something wrong until somebody pinpointed it.

You can read about my journey in my other article, “How to stop overthinking and start working towards your goals.”

4. Appreciate yourself and get validation

Celebrate what you’ve accomplished and share your progress, regardless of its significance.

Look for people who want to see you succeed. A positive environment helps you move forward faster, and that’s why I love Evojam’s culture. My coworkers keep telling me, “You did a good job; keep it up!” It’s a no-brainer that such words feel good and motivate you.

Many plants only flourish in specific conditions and wither in others. Humans are no different in this aspect, so cut toxic people out of your life and surround yourself with those who think alike.

5. Stop comparing yourself to others

Don’t compare yourself to others. Just don’t. Everyone is different, and everyone is given different opportunities. Social privilege, anyone? No life is the same. 

Even if it took you longer to achieve your goals, it doesn’t matter — it’s not a race. Just keep moving forward; the speed is irrelevant.

6. Enjoy yourself

If there’s only one point you’ll remember from my article, let it be to have fun. 

You only have one life, and doing something you hate isn’t worth it. If you want to try something new and, for example, switch careers — go for it! The sky is the limit, and you can even become a software developer without a degree.

Society makes us choose our path very early in life when we’re not ready yet, so it’s perfectly fine if it takes you years to figure out what you enjoy. Finding this area is already an essential step in your growth. 

Don’t get stuck in a sunk-cost trap — it doesn't matter how much time you’ve invested in something; if you no longer like it, move on!