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Before You Build A Web App - Pre-development REST Checklist

The abundance of all the tools and resources makes building web applications seemingly effortless. The framework will handle the routing, the library will process the requests and the template engine will take care of any UI you need. This is all very convenient, but it doesn't deal with the greatest risk of all: having your web service destroyed before you start coding.

1. Embrace Your Protocol

You are most likely building a REST service. Even if you don't want your API to be public, it's a good idea to have REST API and build a web app independently. Therefore spend some time learning how the REST works.

Write HTTP Requests By Hand

You need to understand the HTTP. Go to telnet example.com 80 and write a GET request to fetch the main page. Keep playing around until you receive a 200 OK response.

HTTP Methods And Status Codes

There are three concepts that are absolutely fundamental: resources, methods and status codes. Make sure you and everybody you work with on the project has a good understanding of those.There is, for example, a nice cheat sheet with the status codes available at restapitutorial.com. Pay special attention to the starred status codes as you probably will use them the most often.

2. Set Up API Documentation

You need a place to document your API. For small projects it might be perfectly sufficient to write everything in Markdown and put in a repository. For bigger projects you might want to employ some specific tools like API blueprint or swagger. The choice of the tool is secondary as long as the following conditions are met:

  1. All the API documentation for a single project is in one place.

  2. All the developers have access to that place.

  3. The API documentation is complete and correct.

  4. There is clear indication of what parts are already implemented and what is only a draft.

The first two points are quite self-explainatory. The third point, about docs being complete and correct is tricky... Depending on your desired project quality it might mean different things. An example of a complete API doc definition might be as follows:

All the endpoints have documented url params, payloads and response bodies.

A nice endpoint description could then look like this:

See this content in the original post

This works and may be enough for your projects. But someone might find it too sloppy and suggest an appendix:

Moreover, all endpoints have all their possible response codes documented.

This requires extending your API docs with statements like the following:

See this content in the original post

Which of the approaches is better? I don't know, it depends on your project and the team. Just make sure the policy is shared among all the developers.

3. Use The Tools - Don't Fight Them

You really don't have to reinvent the wheel - there are lots of useful tools out there. Just make yourself a favor and use them reasonably.

Choosing The Right Tools

Before you start using a new tool, answer there questions:

  1. What problem does it solve?

  2. Can't we use a tool that is already a part of our toolchain to solve the problem?

  3. How much complexity does the tool add?

Make a cost-balance analysis. Is it worth to include another npm package just in order to use a single function from it? It might be (e.g. if when.js is the package in question), but it might also be an overkill (e.g. if we're talking about lodash).

Using The Tools Right

This part is actually simple: just read the docs. You need a custom solution for your test runner to behave differently at CI servers than on your local machine? Someone has probably already done that. This point applies to all sorts of tools, including your run-time dependencies, such as datastores. In fact you should have read the docs before you decided on incorporating the tool into your project, because you wouldn't be able to do the cost analysis without it.


Before your team starts to code, you should have a good understanding of what's going on. If you start coding without knowing how your protocol works, the project will fail. If everyone pulls in new libraries without reading their docs (and discovering they are deprecated) the project will fail. If the team has no overall overview of the expected API, the project will... You get the idea. Be kind and share the knowledge, it will make your life easier.This post appeared originally on my personal blog.