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Best Practices

Generating Java classes from WSDL files

Generating Java classes from WSDL files

Ready to discover a way to generate usable Java classes from WSDL files and check how they are structured? That is precisely where this blog post will get you.

Finishing the last line, you’ll be equipped with all the necessary schema files and the ready-to-use service.

Sounds promising? Only if you know what WSDL files are, which will be explained too.

Sane Single Page Apps: Easy Data Handling with DTOs

Sane Single Page Apps: Easy Data Handling with DTOs

When a software collapses, it’s usually due to it being no longer maintainable because of complexity. Brian Kernighan, the creator of AWK programming language, puts it quite explicitly: "Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming".

Gerrit based Workflow - Complete Developer's Walkthrough

Gerrit based Workflow - Complete Developer's Walkthrough

We have successfully adopted the Gerrit workflow for pre-commit code review in Evojam. We believe that this a foundation of high quality of our solutions. After two years we have worked out a complete approach for the pre-commit review with Gerrit, branching model and application provisioning. Now I have realized the there is no definite cookbook for the newcomers. This led me to the idea that it may be worth to share this approach with the community. This is not totally unique but may save a newcomer a bit of time.

Keep Your Library Simple: Scala API Design Case Study

Keep Your Library Simple: Scala API Design Case Study

We've been using Play Framework with Elasticsearch and elastic4s for a while. Getting it all to work together requires some boilerplate code, though. We decided to create a small library that would make things easier in future projects. We learned some lessons about building Scala libraries along the way.

Overcoming Pre-Commit Code Review Challenges

Overcoming Pre-Commit Code Review Challenges

Pre-commit code review can provide some tremendous benefits: It improves quality of the final code, it helps team members to learn from each other. It also propagates knowledge about projects and best practices. But it also generates additional problems. Here's how we dealt with them.

Static Typing in JavaScript & Best Tools to Do It

There are three popular possibilities – jsDoc (with e.g. Google Closure Compiler), Facebook Flow and Microsoft TypeScript. First one uses comment like annotations – does not corrupt pure JS – while next two extend JS so they have to be transpiled. I will compare them briefly in a moment.

Before You Build A Web App - Pre-development REST Checklist

The abundance of all the tools and resources makes building web applications seemingly effortless. The framework will handle the routing, the library will process the requests and the template engine will take care of any UI you need. This is all very convenient, but it doesn't deal with the greatest risk of all: having your web service destroyed before you start coding.