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Technology Assesment

Switching from Java to Kotlin

Switching from Java to Kotlin

Kotlin has been growing in popularity for quite some time now. We decided to introduce it for a commercial project and see how it influences our work.

It's been a month since we made a switch from Java to Kotlin. In this article, we want to share with you our insights and conclusions based on this time.

I invited my fellow developers, so they can put their own perspective on using Kotlin.

Tackling a 1 Billion Member Social Network - Fast Search on a Large Graph

Tackling a 1 Billion Member Social Network - Fast Search on a Large Graph

At Evojam we always seize opportunities for R&D. So when a former client asked us for cooperation on an existing project, which involved a 1 billion member social network, we jumped at the opportunity. We joined the team and did our best to fix bugs and solve data consistency, performance and reliability issues. Additionally, we presented a more effective approach to the application’s architecture. This article briefly covers our journey through the 1 billion member social network.

MongoDB Scala Drivers Microbenchmark: ReactiveMongo vs Scala/Java Driver

MongoDB Scala Drivers Microbenchmark: ReactiveMongo vs Scala/Java Driver

If you want to connect your Scala application to MongoDB you have two choices, really. You can use the official driver, which comes in two flavors (Java Async Driver or Scala driver, which is just a facade with RxScala API). Alternatively you can go with ReactiveMongo, a completely new approach built on top of Akka.

Static Typing in JavaScript & Best Tools to Do It

There are three popular possibilities – jsDoc (with e.g. Google Closure Compiler), Facebook Flow and Microsoft TypeScript. First one uses comment like annotations – does not corrupt pure JS – while next two extend JS so they have to be transpiled. I will compare them briefly in a moment.